20 March, 2009

reeeeelax. don't do it.

We went to the conservatory on Wednesday night. I love the conservatory, truly. It's a place where I can go and relax, and inhale exotic scents, temperatures, and humidity levels. (That last one is especially nice in the winter.) The plants, the greenery, the colors, and the shiny all work towards centering me. It's amazing in the middle of winter - a nice reminder that color does, in fact, exist in nature. And here's proof - isn't it delightful? The richness of color, the way the fuchsia colors the green, the white, the tips of the leaves? I love it.

And there are butterflies there! I love butterflies. And then, since it isn't winter anymore, we got to play outside! At a park! With swings, and kids, and climby things, and pretend, and hopscotch! Ain't she the strongest thing you've ever seen? Whoa, lady! Now for a delightful, warm weekend...

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