27 March, 2009

It's the end ...

I think I finished my last motif repeat of the Shetland Triangle last night. Which really pleases me, because that's about a month (or 2) ahead of schedule. I've got the edging to do, and then blocking. It might be finished before the end of this weekend. That's super duper awesome rockin'.

Tomorrow is game night. We'll see how that goes. And tomorrow I'm moving in with Renee! (Well, kinda.) I mean, we're getting a book shelf from dad's house. And some of Mom's beading stuff, and probably her serger and some storage solutions. I get to set up a craftal area. That's way exciting awesome.

I don't know what project I'm going to start next. Probably my vest. Or something for a baby. Maybe some socks. I haven't had a sock going in a while. Maybe I'll start socks, and my vest, and something for a baby! Ahh!! Attack of the knitting monogamy destroyers!

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