15 July, 2008

Wow. Sometimes life really, really sucks.

Death is everywhere right now. It's hanging a shroud over me, clouding the details of everything I see. I'm too distracted to work right now, at this moment, and I've actually got something fun on my desk right now.

Yesterday morning, Katie Reider passed away. She'd been battling serious health problems, but everything had been looking up. Even with the health issues, the loss of Katie is shocking. She passed early yesterday morning, and people in Columbus knew by 10am. Then the lesbian phone tree kicked in, and there was a gathering last night in Goodale Park, which was appropriate. There was some of her music, and kind words from many people who knew her well.

I didn't know her well. We'd met, of course. I've seen her perform a few times. The most memorable, though, was at Little Brothers. I was underage, and drinking. I went outside for a cigarette and didn't have a lighter. There was a group of people off to the side; I approached and they did have matches - Katie Reider matches, at that. We started talking about how cold it was, and my lack of a jacket. Then someone else walked up to the group and joined the conversation. They started talking about the sound check - at which point, I say - Oh, you're one of the bands? And they say yep, we're the Katie Reider Band. And I turn to the newest girl and say, What do you play? and she responds, Well, I'm Katie Reider! Slightly embarassed (but too drunk to realize it) we all walked inside. Ten minutes later, the bassists wife brought me a shot of burbon, and told me I should come to more shows.

And then Raeface called me at work this morning with the news that a co-worker of hers (my personal favorite at the bar) -- his grandmother died, likely yesterday as well. She'd been in poor health, but they weren't expecting it. And, a regular customer at the bar had passed within the last few days as well.

See? Death everywhere. So hold on to your love ones; it's looking to be as depressing a summer as last year...

10 July, 2008

Uhh, so she did kick my ass. That's okay. I'm used to it. She's generally better at games than I am. Except Othello - which we play so I can win sometimes too. (I'm really not a sore loser. I just hate losing every single time on every single game. That's all.) The funniest part is that she haaaaates 80s music, which, of course, is what Guitar Hero is filled with. I pick Warrant and Kansas and Cheap Trick - she just groans. She likes some of the songs, though. It's all right.

She played last night while I started a pair of socks. We went to Heavenly Creations Tuesday night so I could pick up a top whorl spindle (suggested because apparently most beginners don't start with a bottom whorl) and I picked up a skein of Encore (which I think makes perfectly good house socks - it pills a bit on the bottom, but that's okay - besides, I don't have the patience to make a pair of socks at 10 spi (which is what the Comfort sock ended up at) so the worsted weight is good for me) that's absolutely beautiful. I've been wearing her socks lately (which makes her yell at me) so I'm just making myself a pair. Ha. Anyway, the colours are so pretty that I almost wish I was making a scarf instead of socks. You'll have that, though. But I don't really have anything else in my stash to make me a quick pair of socks with (just the Comfort sock, which, again, I just don't have the patience for right now). If we don't do anything tonight, I think I'm going to sit down and watch some YouTube on spinning - perhaps with a top whorl, the videos will make a bit more sense. And maybe I'll have the focus to sit down and watch them. Here's hoping!

I'm so glad this week is almost over. I've got a job that should go out tomorrow afternoon, then another one to start Monday morning. This pace is a little slow for me - I find that I'm saving things to do later so I don't end up with a whole lot of left over time at the end of a project. Really, I think I could probably do 1.5x the work load they give me - I won't tell them that, though, because if they did that I'd likely accidently end up with 3x the amount. Eh. With all the time I spend with the boys because they're idiots, it all works out.

My bike has a stupid flat tire, and I hate it. That's all.

08 July, 2008

I've been working on the Murky Falling Water scarf a lot lately. It's a pretty easy knit at this point. We went to a flea market over the weekend, and it was great to do in the car on the drive. The flea market itself, however, was wretched. Now, I like flea markets and buying used "vintage" and generally old things. I love the tables filled with odd glassware and old tools. But, uh, the booths filled with dollar store cast-offs .... I could have done without. There were 4 or 5 places selling used DVDs. A "grocery store" selling close to expired cereal and baking mixes. Several pet store - with real animals, which is what confused me the most. The place is only open on the weekend - how are those animals being cared for during the week? Regardless.

I stole my brother's Guitar Hero the other day. Buttface was up laaaate playing. I think she plans on playing all day today, as well, that way she can kick my ass when I get home tonight. That's okay.