27 January, 2009


The first half of my wheel came in the mail yesterday - my niddy noddy, and a pound of fiber. The actual wheel itself is scheduled to be delivered on Thursday. So it's not here yet. But that's okay. I'll go home Thursday, put it together, and spin some. And then some more on Friday. Saturday morning I'll take it all apart, and go stain it. !! And I'm going to work on refining the PVC swift with my little brother, too. So, exciting.

I'm taking a class for work right now - it's every Monday night for three months. And they're awfully boring. Last night was especially rough - so after the first break, I pulled out my emergency sock. You know, the one I started a month ago and still haven't made it past the arch expansion? Yep, that one. I worked on it while focusing on making eye contact with the instructor (I've never knit in a meeting/class before, so it was a new thing!) and now I'm almost finished with the arch. Ten more rounds, and I get to start the heel. :)

And the Luna Moth - I think it finally clicked. I knit two rows last night, and I only needed the chart a few times. That's way exciting for me. I'm about halfway through my 3rd repeat. I might get a summery shawl finished in time for the wedding at this rate!

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