08 January, 2009

I did sit down with the lace on Tuesday. And that involved ripping it all out. And then I knit back to where I was again (but it didn't involve any tinking at all) and started the second pattern repeat. That didn't go so well. Turns out, I'd been purling my yos and my knits together on the way back when I wasn't paying attention. So I ripped out another 2 or 3 rows, and soon I'll be ready to start the second repeat.

I didn't spin at all on Tuesday. I was very proud of me.

Wednesday was knit night! And I took my spinning. Well, I took socks too, but. Those are boring right now. They're perfectly in the middle of the lace and spinning on the need-to-pay-attention spectrum, and apparently I don't want that right now. I did work on them when I was at the dentist yesterday morning, but. That hardly counts.

Okay, one last time - ahh! My yarn is so pretty! I'm somewhere between 2/3 and 3/4 the way finished with the first half of the dyed merino. That's exciting. I ordered more fiber from Spunky Eclectic to finish the stuff - some dark BFL to ply with it. And then I ordered more top, just for fun!! I got some white merino/bamboo, some white merino/tencel, and a handpainted Romney. So, in addition to lots of spinning, I'm going to have to do some dying. I think I'm okay with that. :)

I hope my package gets here, like, tomorrow. Woo! Except that since I'm working on the lace again tonight, it's not like I'm going to finish the whole 2 oz of the merino anytime soon. Eek!

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