17 November, 2008

Big weekend...

Raeface and I went down to Tennessee this weekend to see my grandmother. She had heart surgery last week, so we went down to visit her, etc. We ended up getting to take her home from the hospital on Saturday morning, so that was exciting!

We always have a good time in Knoxville. The gay bars there are absolutely hysterical. This time moving to Knoxville was on our minds, so we started deciding who we would be friends with. And making up stories. And watching all the ladies interact. Turns out that lesbians are the same everywhere. And we wouldn't be friends with many of them - much like here! Ha!

Anyway. Grandma is doing fine. Obviously, she tires easily and is a little grumpy, but that's what happens when they crack open your chest.

That's a long drive to make over a weekend, though. Which is a disheartening thought, especially since someone really needs to start making that drive once a month or so. Not that she's in bad shape, or anything, but someone needs to visit more than once a year. Seriously. And, since I want her land, I should be the one to do it. Crikies!

Umm, spinning, oh my goodness. There wasn't much time this weekend, but. I picked up some new fiber on Thursday, and a new spindle! and .. well, there need to be photos. I'll get those soon.

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