06 October, 2008


Busy weekend. Friday night I was ... doing something, I'm sure. And Raeface called to see if I wanted to go to the Indigo Girls concert that night. It seemed rude to refuse karma tickets, so we went. We're not entirely sure where the tickets came from, but they came with backstage passes. When we got there, we ended up giving those to someone who promised to find someone who would appreciate the experience a little more than we would. The opener was ... well, really gay. That general acoustic guitar and feminine whiny voice thing. And it didn't seem like she'd played Columbus before - she kept insinuating that people must not have liked her because they were talking. Ha. We didn't stay for much of the Indigo Girls, though. After you've stood all day at work it's not much fun to stand through a show. And I was just exhausted.

Saturday we went to breakfast at Cafe Corner. I love the eggies in a basket. And then I cleaned most of the day. I did laundry, moved furniture, swept under the bed. I didn't get to dust the ceiling fans, but I will soon. I'd like for most of the dust to be out of the house before I seal it up for winter. That evening we went bowling with my little brother! Now, other than gym class, I've probably only bowled maybe 4 times in my life. And I didn't do too badly - well, I scored 22 the first game. And the second I was in the low 80s. Sunday morning, though, my shoulders were sore - they made me bowl left handed for half the first game, but I just wasn't strong enough to keep doing it that way.

Sunday morning we went apple picking and Lynd's Fruit Farm. We got an entire bushel of apples, for making apple sauce. And for eating. Then we went to my Dad's house to do some laundry (blankets, the couch slip cover, the heated mattress pad, etc - more getting ready for winter) and we (partially) cleaned out my closet there. It's time to start working on getting all my crap out of the house. A lot of the stuff I'll donate, especially if I haven't used it for a year. But the fabricy stuff, and the books, and the childhood mementos I've held on too ... well, those at least need to be condensed.

The big problem is that the room is filled with my mom's stuff. When I moved back in, we never managed to get all her stuff out of the drawers and dressers in the room. Most of the stuff we took out of the closet was her stuff. It's hard seeing parts of her, being so close to, well, it's just her stuff. But its stuff that exhibited her personality - both the surface stuff (likes, hobbies, etc) and the deeper parts (the need to hide things, the inability get rid of things, squirreling things away, etc) too. I had awful dreams about her last night. I think I re-lived finding her that morning a dozen times last night... It's been over a year now, but I guess those are things that take time to fully work through...

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