28 October, 2008

This power plant project is close to kicking my ass. That is all.

I finished one of the Toscana socks, and, umm, it's practically perfect. I'm almost to the arch expansion on the second one - hopefully I'll keep focused and be wearing them this weekend! I'm using the same sockitecture I used for the really ugly socks - I really like the Riverbed one. Initially, I was stuck on the Coriolis because it's so pretty and I love that the increases are organized into something so sweet looking. But the way the increases create this extra fold of fabric and how it's almost-but-not-quite invisible in the Riverbed organization... It's lovely. And it's really really exciting that I finally have socks that fit! And I'm already excited for the next pair of socks - I've got some Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn I picked up in Indianapolis. I've got a navy color, and bright lime green. There's a simple lace pattern in the Bordhi book (that I'd intended for the Toscana socks) that I'm going to work on the navy socks; I'm not sure what I'm going to work with the lime. Maybe Monkey, or something cabled. Something as equally obnoxious as the color (which I really do love, a whole lot). Then maybe I'll go back to working on the Klein bottle bag, or the Twisty Turns wrap. Eh. :)

We went to the library last night. I kind of went a little crazy in the books-on-CD section. We got a lot of Prairie Home Companion, the Stories of Dusty and Lefty, and Julia Childs' My Life in France. Uhh, I picked that one because I really enjoyed Julie & Julia (which doesn't actually have any of Julia Childs' writing in it) and because she was a spy. :) We'll see how that goes. I'll have to get into them this evening before NCIS is on.

And, I think I'm going to go vote this evening! At least, I mean, if I remember to look up my sample ballot and spend some time this afternoon researching judges. And, if I could make up my mind on who I'd prefer to be president. (Yeah. Still not sure. Whatever.)

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