20 October, 2008

Last week work was almost more than I could handle. ... I think.

We had a big private college project that went out on Wednesday that I got drug into. It wasn't really my project, but at the last minute I started making phone calls and looking for quotes, doing some pricing analysis. It was okay, though. I'd gotten a commodity price update on Monday, and used the extra stand-by time to do a update for the SPD guys. I got to go to a pre-bid on Tuesday; that was exciting. I like going to walk thru's - even if the site is currently just a dusty parking lot. I like getting to meet people, and see what everyone else has done on the project already (I usually don't find out about the things until the morning of, so I haven't done any work at that point.) We had a turnover meeting Friday morning on a project that we think we'll be awarded - so we're putting time and resources on getting this project started, but we don't have a contract (or even an intent to award!) yet. Lovely!

Raeface and I re-organized the living space this weekend. We got a closet cleaned out, the couch moved, more yarn storage set up, etc on Saturday. We moved the rat cage, and now I've got a sewing table - that's exciting. No more ironing on the fold up TV tray! I've got stuff I've got to grab from Dad's house - Grandma's curtains, a dress I started (well, years ago) and I think I'd like to maybe make some simple clothes, perhaps. And probably a baby blanket. Oh! Pajamas for Keaton for Christmas! Maybe a helmet bag for Josh for Christmas.. That would be nice. Except then I'd have to do something with a zipper. Or it would snap together - snaps I could do!

The christmas bowls are almost finished. I finished half of Renee's King Max crown - the headband part is finished, and it just needs the points now. I'm close to complete on the first left wrist warmer. The Twisty Turns hasn't been worked on for a while now. And I think I'm going to work on the Klein bottle bag before I pick that up again. Small projects just kept getting in the way! But now that everything is (more) organized, maybe things'll work better...

Ahh! Erin had a baby! I love him! He's reallyreallyreally cute! (And now I want a baby. But that's not happening. Not for a while. Raeface and I talked a lot about that this weekend. Babies, family, where we're at, buying a house, etc. We decided that we still like each other. :))

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