22 July, 2009

Or, buying a house could be an awful disaster that just won't stop. Perhaps I'm being slightly over dramatic here, but it's more likely that I'm being largely over dramatic. Either way, I'm not responding to the stress level very well. :) But that's okay, because as soon as all the house buying stress is over, we get to mooooove!!! Woohoo! Now that's something to look forward to - packing, lifting, unpacking, dropping boxes of glass things, and not being able to find anything ever again!! (Okay, so that's definitely over dramatic. Whatever.)

Regardless, I'm making the most beautiful pair of socks ever seen by human eyes. And I'm still working on my sweater - slowly, though. I did finally get into the second ball of yarn. Ha! The latest lace shawl is, I believe, crumpled in a ball under the couch. I should probably be making something for a baby gift, but, well... That's not going to happen.

Now, I would like to spend the rest of my afternoon reading about how to care for chickens, but instead I must work.. Boo.

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