02 January, 2009

January 2nd, the day we all say, "Yes! Of course! I will go to the gym! I will stop eating! I will stop smoking! I will stop buying designer shoes!"

So, those aren't actually my goals for the year. Mine are, I think, not in any order:

1. Finish a kitting project that requires commitment. Afghan, lace shawl, sweater, knee socks, and such would all count.
2. Buy a house. Well, okay. I'd like to own a house by June, 2010. So, be well on my way to owning a house.
3. Write a business plan. Perhaps start a business. Renee and I would really like to have somewhere to employ ourselves. Or, at least, her.
4. And, of course, go to the gym. ;)

That lace shawl - not coming along at all. I think I might have to frog and start over. I was doing okay, but then my chart got jostled and I'm not sure what row I should be on... eh. :) I've got all year, right? Those socks? I've only knit about 3 rounds over the last week. That bag? I still hate purling. I might never finish it. But the spinning - I picked that up again yesterday. I feel that I'm doing better than I was when I stopped before. So there's one positive thing.

1 comment:

Hpaisan40 said...

Funny ... I was thinking the same thing in regards to New Year's resolutions. I like your first resolution ... I wish you luck. I'd like to learn how to spin and do fair isle/intarsia.

Good luck in setting yourself up to buy a house in 1-1/2 years. Hopefully the market will be buyer friendly. My partner and I bought our house 5-1/2 years ago.. just as the market peaked. We love our little piece of earth.

Sorry for blathering on...