18 September, 2008

We return to the living.

Or, at least, those with power. The electric is back on at work, which is delightful. I couldn't take one more day of writing things down and making the math with a calculator, so I brought in a laptop today (and an extra battery) but luckily don't need it. It's exciting.

Renee and I went to knit night last night at the Chocolate Cafe. That place is dangerous, terribly so. I think the ladies might think we're unfriendly, but we're not. I promise. It's just awkward to work into an established group. And neither of us have really foreceful personalities. Which is actually why we decided to go, because neither of the two ladies we met over the weekend had forceful personalities. So we went, and had a nice relaxing time. We worked on moebii. And one of the ladies was working two sleeves on one cable (she called it "Magic Loop" though it didn't look nearly as complicated as I thought magic loop should look) and she offered to help me set up some two at once magic looped socks - as long as I brought in some completed toes. Perhaps.

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