10 September, 2008


So, it's finally happened. The world is going to explode. Renee is learning to knit.

..... We both knew it would happen. She used to crochet as a child, and picked up a hook I had lying around about a month ago. She started a little something, but didn't get very far. I'm working on a moebius bowl for her sister's baby shower (to fill with diaper cream, etc) and I haven't been feeling well. I was knitting in spurts last night, and once when I set it down she picked it up and went, "Which way do I hold the needles?" and that was all it took. She's totally a visual learner, so all she's had to do it watch my hands. She's done a long tail cast on, knitted cast on, and the knit stitch. I tried to show her how to purl, but she closed her eyes and started shrieking "Not yet not yet not reeeeeeadddddy!!" so I gave it back to her. :) Now when we go to the yarn store, she won't be wandering around listlessly! (But she'll probably use the rest of the acrylic in my stash first, eh.)

I mucked up the latest moebius bowl thing. Eh. I did something wrong when picking up the stitches around the brim, and things got twisted in a funny way. I ripped back, and the yarn ended up in a nasty little ball around the handle thing. Eeek. Whatever. It's all rolled up nicely now, and I've got the stitches on the needle again, but I'm not quite ready to knit it all up and try real hard to not twist it funny again. Goooooood times.

Anyway. Sick. Feels like an awful combination of an ear infection, a sinus infection, and the flu. I hate it. I'm too hot to sleep in the bed, too cold to sleep on the couch, to gross to go to work, etc. There's been a lot of movie watching, and I just gotta say - Matilda is awesome, and absolutely hilarious. Looove it.

1 comment:

TheTwistedPurl said...

LOL I had the same experience with my sister and her knitting. She just recently started and won't even dream of learning to purl. Best of luck with your bowl, it sounds cool!