08 September, 2008


I've spent a lot of time at the yarn store lately. Well, more than usual, anyway. I went in last week to wind up some hanks for the Twisty Turns I started, and to pick up some gifties for a new knitter (knitcheck, point protectors, tape measure, etc) and ended up signing up for some classes! One I knew I was signing up for - a spindle spinning class! I'm terribly excited, but it doesn't happen until November. So I'm patiently waiting, playing a little bit with spindles/roving at home once in a bit. And I signed up for a moebius bowl class! It was on Saturday. I'd checked out the first Treasury of Magical Knitting from the library (moebius = fun, I was sure) but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out the damn cast on. Or what to do once I thought I had stitches on my needles. So I took the class, and it was magic. I didn't think I was actually going to like to bowl thing (that's a little too femmy kitschy chique for me) but, turns out, they're fantastic! I already finished the one we started in class, and then made a second one on Sunday. I decided they're what I'm doing for Christmas. I'll make a bowl for everyone, in appropriate colors, and then Renee can weave matching hot pads, and we'll stick a chocolate-chip-cookie-mix-in-a-jar in it. Perfect, easy, quick. I made her grandmothers first - it's dusty rose and rose leaf green. I used the green on our bowl (our walls are a trio of leaf greens) but I'm not sure what else I'll use the pink on. Renee's littlest sister is having a new baby, so I started another bowl last night for her baby shower - it's dark blue, with a dark blue twisted band with ruby attached Icord edging. It's not going to be handled, though, just have the moebius band around the edge. I'll stick cotton balls/Q-tips/diaper cream/etc in it - HA! and a snot sucker turkey baster thing. Those things are hilarious. I'll have to get around to photos.

So it was a fantastic class to take. Lots of easy gift potential, plus now that I can do the cast on, I can make myself a lovely twisted shawl. After I finish the twisted wrap I just started, of course!

Work is ... different ... right now. We got in drawings for 3 big projects all on the same day. Delightful. Whatever. We'll make it work, right? We each got a project to be in charge of. The two boys are splitting the two large projects, and I'm doing the mid-sized one all myself. Tuns out, one of the bigger ones is actually huge, and my mid-sized one is, well, tiny, actually. Plenty confusing and requiring lots of fucus, sure. But still not going to take up my time for the next two weeks. So even though we're busier than we have been, I'm still just taking up time... Which is boring, and kinda stressful. Whatever. :)

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