08 June, 2008


Work has been nuts. The last 3 weeks have just been crazy. The whole economic downturn thing has made us busier than ever. Since I bid the work that keeps the company busy, an economic downturn actually (for a while, at least) means greater job security. Not that I'm worried about losing my job in times of economic hardship, but. You know. Unless I seriously screw something up, it's unlikely.

I haven't been as productive on the crafting front. Being at work early, late, and on the weekends has cut into relaxing time. I did finish Jen's Fetching - and I like them. I worked most of those at Clipper's games. Zilla likes baseball, so we'll go to all the weeknight home games for a week, then not go for a while. Baseball schedules are funny. It's almost surprising how much I've picked up about baseball, but, I did play softball -- all good little dykes did, right? Zilla played in high school, so she's much more advanced than I ever was. She wants to buy gloves, balls, bats, etc and start playing in our backyard. Which would be okay, except that we live in the ghetto. Her homeless guy at work told her that we live in the 'jungle' and need to get out, soon.

Actually, I agree with that. Completely. More and more as time goes on. The neighborhood wasn't too bad last summer, and it was completely quiet over the winter. But since it's started getting warm again, it's gone downhill. A few weekends ago, there were gun shots; someone has started egging parked cars; yesterday afternoon, we completely saw a little boy pissing out the second story window of the building across the street. And he was completely old enough to know better than that.

I finished my first swap. It was interesting. A little stressful. The person I was gifting was soosososo different from me; I had no idea what to do. I'm okay with acrylic yarn (I prefer it, actually - wool makes me sneeze and cotton has very little give!) and I was totally stressing out about the gift not being good enough. Just who I am. And then I got my gift, and it was okay. I liked the package I sent better, but. You know. It's hard to give someone a thoughtful gift when you don't know anything about them. And I don't put much out there. Well, haven't. Working on that. The next one has started, and I'm totally stoked about this one. I think I'll be able to relate more, and I've got an awesome idea. I think she'll love it. That's exciting.

I've spent most of the weekend multi-tasking. I've been mudding more on the weekends, which I haven't done regularly in ages. Of course, it's different this time. I'm a little more into it, and I'd like to build an area. I'm working on themes, characters, plots, etc in my head while I play. An intersection of math/science/computer nerd and creative design. What's better than that? But, I start killing a mob, or start a quest, then I pick up the knitting/crocheting and do that until it's time to press a button again. It works.

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